Home Alone!


Sassy Speaks...

My Mom came up with this idea to help me in case anything ever happened and neither she or my Dad could get home. Mom and Dad carry a card similar to these, behind their drivers license in the event they are ever in some kind of accident and taken to a hospital (or worse!).

Mom keeps one attached to each of our carriers, and our neighbors and pet sitters that watch us keep one with them as well.

Mom Speaks...

I thought this would be a good way to help companion animals receive the care they need if their primary caretakers are unable to return home due to emergency situations (car accidents, etc.).

At the same time, this project is a fundraiser. The the revenue from these cards, provide needed funds for one of my favorite charitable organizations, IMOM, which is dedicated to insuring that no companion animal has to be euthanized simply because their caretaker is financially challenged.

These cards are available for a small donation to IMOM. 5 cards for $10.00, in any combination of laminated credit card size or laminated luggage tags. You can also order single cards or luggage tags for $2.50 each.

All money collected will be donated to IMOM at the end of every month. I also email IMOM a list of all donors and the total amount collected. This email is copied to all donors that month.

If you are interested in getting some of these Home Alone cards, please send an email to homealone@moasi.com, including pictures, and any information you would like to see on your cards. Please use the sample cards displayed above for ideas.

As soon as the cards are formatted, you will receive a proof for review. When you are satisfied with your card layout and approve the proof, your cards will be made and sent to your address within 2-5 days.

Remember, these cards are not limited to kitties only! Think about your woofers, rabbits, any companion animal that might need special care if you cannot get home for several days.
