More Kid Pictures

Toby on the swing in City Park, New Orleans

Toby with Pyewacket (under cabinet), sister Juliet, and brother Elliot

Pyewacket helping at work

Memorial for Pyewacket, she used to like to drink from the birdbath

Misty and Sassy hard at work

Sassy's winning calendar picture

Sleepy Sassy on the desk

Sleepy Sassy on the scratching post with his toy

Sassy and Misty wondering how to get Mom to quit work and play with them

Sassy and Misty on their sides of the bed

Misty intently checking out the floor

Misty and Sassy snuggling together on the desk

Gordon on the back porch

Gordon ready to take a nap

Gordon playing with his favorite stuffed toy

Gordon wanting to come inside, before we had the vet check him out.

Pyewacket laying in the grass

Beautiful picture of Misty's blue eyes
