Boots & B.D.'s page

Boots was part of a litter of kittens Patricia rescued from their backyard and he was their first cat diagnosed with diabetes. He had a seizure and Patricia took him to the vet, who tested him and said it was diabetes. The vet asked her to leave Boots with him overnight so he could start him on insulin the next day. When the vet came in the next morning, Boots was dead. He felt so bad about what happened that he asked to do an autopsy so he could find out what caused his death. The diagnoses was pancreatic cancer. Patricia still struggles with the guilt over what happened, and they miss him so much!

B.D., short for Big Dog, was a stray that followed one of Patricia's daughters to the car after school one day. He was really cute, wearing a red bandanna around his neck, but they didn't want another dog, so they tried to ignore him. As Patricia was driving away, she looked in the rearview mirror and saw some boys stop the dog and take his bandanna. That made her mad, so she turned around and told the boys how low she thought they were for stealing from a dog, then she made them give her his bandanna, and she put the dog in the car and took him home. They ran ads for him, but no one claimed him, so he stayed. He was the most gentle dog and he loved the cats. He lived with them for 11 years and died from cancer. He was loved and is missed!